According to article 173 (1) of the Telecommunication Act of 16 July 2004 (Official Journal No 171, item 1800 with subsequent amendments), we inform that the subject responsible for placing on User‘s terminal unit cookie files and responsible for gaining access to them is operator of the Service: F.H.U. Perfekt Piotr Fica with the registered office in 42-262 Poczesna, Handlowa 17a street.
Cookie files comprise computer data, in particular text files that are kept in Service User‘s Data Terminal Equipment and are intended to use Service‘s websites. Cookie files usually contain name of the website from which they come, time of storing them and the unique number.
Cookie files are used in order to:
customize content of the Service‘s websites and optimize using them; in particular these files help recognize Service User‘s device and show customized site correctly;
create statistics that help understand how Service Users use the sites, what enables improvement of structure and content;
As part of the Service, two basic types of cookie files are applied. "Session" (session cookies) are temporary files kept in the User‘s terminal unit until he logs out, leaves website or turns off the software (browser). "Permanent" (persistent cookies) are kept in the User‘s terminal unit by the time set in cookie files parameters or until the User deletes them.
In many cases software used to browse web sites (browser) allows keeping cookie files in the User‘s terminal unity by default. Service Users can change cookie files settings any time. These settings can be changed particularly in order to block automatic cookie service in the browser or to inform about their every appearance in the Service User‘s device. Specific information about the possibility and ways of operating cookie files are available in software settings (browser).
The Service operator informs that restriction of the use of cookie files can influence some functionalities available on Service‘s websites.
Cookie files are placed on the Service User‘s terminal unit and they may be used by advisers and partners cooperating with the Service operator.
More information about cookie files is available in Help section in browser menu.

F.H.U Perfekt
Handlwa 17A str.
42-262 Poczesna, Poland
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Handlowa 17a str.
42-262 Poczesna, Poland
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41-219 Sosnowiec, Poland
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